In a few sentences, describe who you are, give us some background about yourself and what you like to do for fun on your time off all year.
I grew up in California and went to college in San Francisco. I spent a bit too much time having fun out there. In 2010 I then took an impromptu 5 week trip to Australia to try to “get some perspective on my life” and ended up staying for 3.5 years. When I decided I didn’t think I wanted to live the rest of my life in Australia I took a solo trip through Asia for 15 months.
I ended up back in the states in 2015 and landed in Seattle, hoping to live an outdoor lifestyle. I quickly found that I was stuck in traffic for most of my days. I built out an AWD Astro van, quit my job and moved out of my apartment to live on the road for a while and pursued working outdoor education with NOLS. I quickly realized that #vanlife is #notforme and landed a life that seems pretty balanced living here in Salt Lake and working for Backcountry.

In my free time I am usually trying to do something active. Climbing and Skiing are probably my biggest passions right now but I also try to stay in shape with trail running, yoga, and sometimes I even get out on my mountain bike. I spend a lot of time chasing my boyfriend down the mountain because I am still new to a lot of the activities I am participating in and he keeps things fun and challenging for me.
When I am inside, I actually like to sleep a lot! Some other things I enjoy are reading, trying to practice guitar, drawing and watercolor when I am outside in beautiful places, and I just picked up Linocut printmaking which has been really fun.
What is the trip you have planned for your Anvil Grant sponsored trip? When?
I am hoping to re-attempt climbing the direct north ridge of Mt. Stuart in Washington state. Hopefully sometime in Late September / Early October.

Any personal goals for outdoor adventures over the course of 2019?
I am a goal setting fiend and have many goals this year. Mostly I am trying to increase my overall base fitness and endurance and using climbing / mountain biking / trail running and skiing to accomplish this!
If you had a plane ticket to one place in the universe to spend 14 days with an unlimited budget, where would you go? What would you do?
A plane ticket to the universe or earth? I suspect there may be some extremely rad climbing out in the outer stretches of our universe. If I had unlimited budget though I would love to do a worldwide multisport adventure. I love being able to combine multiple activities into a single trip so I would probably enlist the help of a partner or two to plan a cross continental multisport link up!