Got cabin fever?
Spring is almost here, and it has been a long, cold, and snowy winter. Camping and backpacking season will be here soon, but after this winter we have a bit of a mud season ahead of us. Cabin fever is setting in, but don’t let it!

National Geographic photographer and Mountainsmith bag designer Andy Mann is giving away one of his Mountainsmith Borealis Camera Backpacks, and entering could not be easier! We know you are doing everything in your power to combat cabin fever, and we want to see how. Whether you are playing in the mud, soaking up the last days at the ski resorts, celebrating St. Patty’s Day, getting out for some very early camping, or just enjoying the first flowers of Spring; Andy wants to see it!
Take a photo of how you are dealing with cabin fever and post it to instagram. Just be sure to tag @andy_mann, @mountainsmith, and #CabinFeverContest and you are entered to win! Enter as many times as you can before the contest ends on 3/21/14 at 10:00 PM MST. Once you have entered, you will see your instagram photo below(last 30 entries):
[alpine-phototile-for-instagram user=”mountainsmith” src=”global_tag” tag=”cabinfevercontest” imgl=”instagram” style=”cascade” col=”2″ size=”L” num=”18″ shadow=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]
Please remove the inappropriate picture from the following site about reading a book.
Thanks for pointing that out. We have removed the offensive image. Our apologies! These are user-generated images that auto-populate from instagram. We appreciate you letting us know!