Ten years ago, Mountainsmith started developing camera bags designed specifically for adventure shooters. Being fellow Coloradans, we of course climbed, threw back a few, and become good friends. Since then, I’ve been a Mountainsmith Ambassador, torturing these packs every way imaginable. In 2012, we sat down and developed a NEW line of bags, built from experiences, our unruly imaginations, and ideas we scratched down on beverage napkins over the years.

Well, those bags have finally arrived and hit the shelves last week. I can’t even begin to describe how rewarding of a process this has been: working with lead designer, Luke Boldman, from concepts all the way to completion. In all, we designed five bags that will bear my signature on the inside. Five different quivers for your many different circumstances and needs. Each one carefully designed to fit today’s adventure shooter. Sizes range from the new Parallax, which can hold just about every single piece of gear you would ever want on your back, to the new Spectrum, which sleekly gets you across town and your finger quickly on the trigger when needed.
We’ve crossed every T. I made sure of it. Videos highlighting the features of all the new bags in the series are currently in production and we are so excited to share them with you. Now, get out there and shoot!